The 2018 Centenary Brick

In 2017 WI's across Derbyshire were invited by the DFWI to design and create a fabric 'brick' which represents their WI. On completion the fabric bricks are to be sewn together with bricks from all over Derbyshire to make a huge wall hanging which will be on permanent display at the DFWI headquarters at Derbyshire House in Derby.
After consulting our members to create a design which encapsulates Bolsover WI, the design below was finally chosen.
It may look like a simple design, however there is much within the design that is symbolic to the WI and to us and Bolsover.
The castle walls represent our beautiful castle which can be seen for miles and stands as a beacon on our hillside.
The bunting represents the very first group craft activity we took part in, button up bunting. Members individually made lengths of bunting which was then buttoned up to bunting from WIs all over Derbyshire. The completed bunting was hung in Derbyshire House for Derbyshire Federation's celebration of the NFWI centenary in 2015.
The colours purple and green were the colours of the suffragette movement, and represents our WI roots. The WI's first Chairwoman, Lady Denman was an active suffragist.
'Fun and frolics' and 'tea and cake' sums up what our meetings are all about! Having fun and socialising.
Finally, our very own Emily. She has become well known after her appearance at our local church flower festival, on the stage in her floral spring flower attire at the DFWI Spring conference in 2016 and in her short film Emily, The Very Proper WI Lady made by one our members. You can see photos of how Emily was made and watch the original film made by one of our members on our 'Video's page.
The design was all handsewn and embroidered by one of our members.