Our meetings
Our doors open at 7pm for social time before the meeting. Please remember to sign in when you arrive at the welcome table. There will be a member sign in sheet and a separate sign in sheet for visitors. If you are visitor, you can pay your £4 donation at the welcome table.
At 7.30pm we start our meeting with our WI business. The President will update members on WI business and events both locally and nationally. We try to keep this as brief as possible, with information also being sent via email, our Facebook members page and handouts during the meeting. This is also an opportunity for members to ask any questions they may have, share ideas and put forward suggestions.
At 7.45 we have a 15 minute break so you can grab yourself a drink, buy a raffle ticket, have a chat and take look at our noticeboard with all our updates and information. Any event sign up sheets will be available at the noticeboard.
At 8pm we start the main part of our evening. This could be a speaker or an activity. We have had a variety of speakers and activities in the past such as willow weaving, glass painting, learning how to dance the Charleston, finding out about Fair trade tea and what it’s like to be a Veterinary Nurse. We are always looking for ideas to start planning our future programme so feel free to let us know of any ideas!
The meeting closes around 9pm. Everyone helps clear away, washing and putting away crockery, putting equipment back in the cupboard and stacking the chairs away for next time.